--[[ ET: Legacy Copyright (C) 2012-2020 ET:Legacy team This file is part of ET: Legacy - http://www.etlegacy.com ET: Legacy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ET: Legacy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ET: Legacy. If not, see . ]]-- local modname = "banners" local version = "0.2" -- Map Data Structure local MapPrototype = {} MapPrototype.__index = MapPrototype function Map(tab) local obj = { _storage = assign({}, tab) } setmetatable(obj, MapPrototype) return obj end function MapPrototype:set(key, value) self._storage[key] = value return value end function MapPrototype:get(key, def) return self._storage[key] or self._storage[def] end function MapPrototype:has(key) return self._storage[key] and true or false end function MapPrototype:toKeyString() local str = "" for k, v in pairs(self._storage) do str = str .. "'" .. k .. "', " end return string.sub(str, 1, -3) end -- Banner System -- local BannerSystemPrototype = {} BannerSystemPrototype.__index = BannerSystemPrototype function BannerSystem(props) local obj = {} obj.nextUpdateTime = 0 obj.nextBanner = 0 obj.interval = props.interval obj.command = props.command obj.banners = {} obj.isPaused = false for _, val in ipairs(props.banners) do if string.len(val) > 0 then table.insert(obj.banners, val) end end setmetatable(obj, BannerSystemPrototype) return obj end function BannerSystemPrototype:frame(time) if self.isPaused or self.nextUpdateTime > time then return end if #self.banners == 0 then return end -- don't run banners in intermission local g_gamestate = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("gamestate")) if g_gamestate == et.GS_INTERMISSION then self.isPaused = true return end -- perform work self:update(time) self:render(time) end function BannerSystemPrototype:update(time) self.nextUpdateTime = time + self.interval self.nextBanner = 1 + (self.nextBanner % #self.banners) end function BannerSystemPrototype:render(time) local banner = self.banners[self.nextBanner] et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, string.format('%s \"%s\"^7', self.command, banner)) end function BannerSystemPrototype:add(banner) if (string.len(banner) > 0) then table.insert(self.banners, banner) end end function BannerSystemPrototype:count() return #self.banners end -- Main Code -- local DEFAULT_TIME = 5000 local DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD = 2000 local DEFAULT_LOCATION = "top" local bannerSystem = nil -- BannerSystem instance global (well, local) local MAX_BANNERS = 10 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) local locationMapping = Map { top = "bp", left = "cpm", center = "cpm", chat = "chat" } local g_bannerTime = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("g_bannerTime")) or DEFAULT_TIME local g_bannerLocation = string.lower(et.trap_Cvar_Get("g_bannerLocation")) or DEFAULT_LOCATION if (g_bannerTime < DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD) then et.G_Print( string.format( "^3%s.lua: Warning! You cannot set banner time lower than %ims, forcing to %ims.\n", modname, DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_TIME)) g_bannerTime = DEFAULT_TIME end if not locationMapping:has(g_bannerLocation) then et.G_Print( string.format( "^3%s.lua: Warning! Invalid location '%s', forcing to '%s'; valid locations: %s.\n", modname, g_bannerLocation, DEFAULT_LOCATION, locationMapping:toKeyString())) g_bannerLocation = DEFAULT_LOCATION end -- find banners by checking the g_bannerN cvars local banners = {} for i = 1, MAX_BANNERS do local banner = et.trap_Cvar_Get("g_banner" .. i) if banner == nil or banner == "" then break end table.insert(banners, banner) end bannerSystem = BannerSystem { interval = g_bannerTime, command = locationMapping:get(g_bannerLocation), banners = banners } if bannerSystem:count() > 0 then et.G_Print( string.format( "^2%s.lua: Initialized banner system (%is, '%s'); showing %i banners.\n", modname, g_bannerTime / 1000, g_bannerLocation, bannerSystem:count())) else et.G_Print(string.format("^3%s.lua: Warning! No banners were set.\n", modname)) bannerSystem = nil end end function et_RunFrame(levelTime) if bannerSystem then bannerSystem:frame(levelTime) end end function et_ShutdownGame( restart ) et.G_Print("Shutting down: " .. modname .. "\n") end -- Utils -- function assign(tab1, ...) local tables = { ... } for _, tab in pairs(tables) do for k, v in pairs(tab) do tab1[k] = v end end return tab1 end