Goldrush re-ducks v2
Version 2.
Modified version of one of the great original maps, Goldrush – rescue the ducks!
v1 to v2 changes
-changed mine entrance to be a little more visible and changed map icon to a „blocked mine entrance“
-added piano to bank
-adjusted duck sounds in the bank
-slowed down the truck a bit
Version 1 changes from original map:
- Added a tunnel that comes up underneath the tank:
-Just another way to get into the Tank Depot yard if Allies are struggling.
-Requires 4 lots of dynamite to clear the tunnel
-Might draw Axis out of the Tank Depot yard in order for them to stop the tunnel being opened up - When the tank reaches the start of the bridge (above tank barrier 2), it destroys/blocks the Axis bottom spawn exit closest to the bridge (eg where the tank finally stops)
-Doing this to make it slightly easier for Allies to blow up the second tank barrier. - When the tank reaches the court yard, it destroys/unblocks the Axis bottom spawn exit closest to the bridge (eg where the tank finally stops)
-Makes it a bit easier for Axis to defend the courtyard.
-if Axis are all dead and Allies have the Ducks, then also makes it a bit quicker for Axis to run out of their spawn and try to stop Allies before they reach the truck - The most important change, have changed the gold crates to Ducks!
-Because I could - Have changed final spawns once Allies have captured both Ducks
-Allies spawns are the Tank Depot, and the Courtyard (eg Axis bottom spawn)
-Axis spawn about halfway between the Allies initial spawn and the Axis initial spawn in the Tank Depot yard (eg around the Health and Ammo just outside the Tank Depot yard)
-Axis spawn is new
-I didn’t want final Axis spawn to be too close to the Allies initial spawn, as that is really close to where the truck ends up (and would be a bit of a shit fight for Allies eg Little Italy, or the second tank barrier in the standard Goldrush)
Tested in both Wolf: ET and ET:Legacy.
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